
My daughter was cared for by this unique team in Portugal for nearly two years.

It was much more than just "care." It may seem surprising that I’m only writing this guestbook entry four years later. What prompted me to do so were the words of my daughter this year: "If I hadn’t been with Progresso in Portugal back then, I wouldn’t have survived the last year." It has already been described many times how empathetic, educational, structured, and individualized the team at Progresso works. I can only confirm this. Not just for my daughter, but also for me as a mother and for the big sister, the team was a lifeline.

But there is also life after that. It can be very difficult, as it was for us. There were moments when I doubted, asking myself, "Was it all in vain?" No! It wasn’t! Today, I can say this with absolute conviction. We all gained so much from those two years, and we are still able to draw on it today. Of course, we had to be willing to work together!

It may sound dramatic, but Progresso saved my daughter's life, even if she only fully understood it later. Thank you!

(Tanja G.)

We, as parents, are very, very impressed with the Progresso project. It is an excellent institution!

Starting with the fact that everyone we had contact with there was very kind, caring, understanding, and helpful, to the organisation, school, therapy, care, surroundings, leisure activities, family contact, and so on. The entire project has helped our son tremendously and finally moved him forward! We are absolutely thrilled and would like to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone on behalf of our entire family! Lots and lots of love and best wishes,

(Kirsten S.)

As adoptive parents of a 14-year-old Thai transgender girl with social integration issues, we have explored every possible avenue in recent years to help her.

Only now, in Portugal, with the help of Jutta Teufel and her team at Progresso, can we observe a development with a positive trend. Their unwavering patience, caring therapeutic attention, and necessary consistency provide a framework for our daughter in which she now has to confront her issues—and increasingly, she is doing so seriously. We are very happy with the way we, as parents, are kept well-informed about the current issues by Progresso and are involved in the process despite the great distance. We are convinced that our daughter is receiving the best support there, and we would like to sincerely thank Jutta Teufel and her team at Progresso for their tireless dedication.

(Family H.)

I would like to thank the entire team at Progresso and Trotzdem e.V. Youth Welfare in Düsseldorf!

Without you, my daughter—and I believe I as well—would not be alive today. You both welcomed us with open arms. My daughter has learned and gained so much from you. You were always there for her, and whenever there were problems, I could always reach out to you. Thank you for the great conversations in Portugal, for your understanding, and your help. I will never forget any of you. You made life worth living again and taught us the knowledge that there is always a solution, no matter how low you feel. A HUGE THANK YOU TO THE WHOLE TEAM. Best regards from Bavaria,

(Pascal S.)

Now, here I am, trying to write some feedback for Progresso...

This isn't easy for me, as it stirs up a lot of emotions! However, I can say right from the start: the fact that my daughter was taken in by Progresso in Portugal is an enormous gift, for which I am grateful every day since she left in August 2018... Because although my daughter and I had a fundamentally good relationship, without external help, my child would have slipped into a mire of drugs and illegality! I couldn’t offer her the support she needed from me as her mother, as I was too caught up in my own problems. Although we love each other very much, our family life was full of fear, anger, despair, disappointment, and helplessness. We had stopped talking to each other and, ultimately, had forgotten how to communicate. Now, we have the chance to take care of ourselves, quietly and without being distracted by the other. I know my child is in very good hands, and when she goes through a difficult phase, there is always someone there to catch her. During my visits to the living group, I had the opportunity to meet the staff at Progresso, and although, as a mother, it is never easy to leave your child behind so far away, I’ve never flown back to Germany with a bad feeling... The decision was the best one I could have made for us! M. and her brother R. didn’t understand each other at all over the past few years, and they were constantly at odds. Now they write to each other, talk on the phone, and are excited when he can join her on the next visit, which is wonderful for all of us. We, as a family, are taking small steps towards each other again, rather than drifting further apart. We are not left to manage alone, and that’s important. Because we wouldn’t have made it without help. I want to thank all the staff at Progresso from the bottom of my heart. You are the best thing that could have happened to the three of us!!! Thank you,

(Sandra A.)

In March 2018, when the situation reached its peak, we got to know Progresso. Since April 2018, my daughter has been in Portugal.

For me, the most important thing is that my daughter is safe. I am impressed by the close collaboration. I am kept informed about everything. My daughter is receiving the care and support she needs. I was able to see for myself the successes and progress during my visits. I am grateful that, in this difficult situation, I received help from Progresso. Thank you for the excellent care.

(Zeliah T.)

Our daughter L. has been under the care of Progresso for 2 ½ years.

When we had the opportunity to place L. in the care of Progresso, our daughter was in a very bad state—to be precise, we had lost her (drug addiction, etc.). But our door opened to something good, and for that, we as parents and as a family are deeply grateful. She has learned to love herself, take responsibility for herself and her life, and resolve conflicts without them turning into aggression. Of course, it wasn’t always an uphill journey—it was a hard and rocky path. And now, 2 ½ years after moving into Progresso, we have a confident and strong daughter who stands firmly on her own two feet and knows where she wants her journey to go.

This says everything about the project: excellent and consistent care. We truly wish that many more children could have the opportunity to take part in your programme. We are grateful that we were given this chance.


Best wishes,

(Family C.)

Our son Luis came to us when he was almost five years old. He was born in Brazil and grew up there until his adoption.

When Luis reached puberty, his behavioural issues escalated into serious problems: he increasingly rebelled against rules and against adults (parents, teachers…) who tried to enforce them. He began lying, stealing, smoking cannabis, and became more and more aggressive. As he himself struggled with the situation and feared that, during an uncontrolled outburst, he might seriously hurt someone, he voluntarily entered a youth psychiatric clinic for a three-month therapy programme.

It became clear there that his problems were closely linked to his identity as an adoptee and his lack of knowledge about his origins and the reasons for his adoption. After a violent fight with a classmate who had provoked him over his adoption, the youth psychiatrist suggested that Luis should take a break and spend some time in an experiential education programme abroad. That’s how he arrived at Progresso in early 2012.

(…) When we were finally able to visit Luis after about three months, we were extremely positively surprised: he greeted us with a cheerful and balanced demeanour. (…) He had also learned to accept a 'no' and to follow rules. He had developed a sense of order in his daily life and had adapted to living within clear structures.

However, what Progresso has done for Luis most recently is truly remarkable: through an incredible coincidence, he found his biological mother in Brazil in the spring of last year. With the support of Progresso, he was able to get in touch with her (…). And ultimately, Progresso made it possible for Luis to visit his biological family in Brazil. Together with two counsellors, he spent a week there. Over several months, the carers carefully prepared Luis for this meeting.

This experience will certainly have a profound impact on Luis and his future. We are incredibly grateful to Progresso, especially to Dorit, Jan, and Tanja, for making this possible for him.


Thank you for the great collaboration.

Your detailed and comprehensive reports allow me to actively follow the support process and ensure transparency in its progress. Your approach in critical situations demonstrates that you and your team work professionally and do not give up easily, even in complex cases.

Ms. Beger (Youth Welfare Office Schwelm)

(…) By the end of 2011, things had spiralled completely out of control. (…)

One night in October 2012, the situation with Tim completely escalated, and I had to call the police. At my wit’s end, I called Jan (Tell-Us) and asked for help. Jan immediately decided that Tim needed to be taken to Portugal without delay.

(…) Now, three months later, my son Tim has made incredible progress. He has started to reflect on himself and to think about how his behaviour affects others. He is learning to respect authority and accept rules. He is learning to take care of himself and express his feelings. He is developing discipline and taking responsibility for his actions instead of blaming others or external circumstances. He is learning to manage his aggression—both verbal and physical. At the same time, he is adopting a healthier lifestyle, becoming more independent, working hard, and staying physically active in nature.

(…) Our letter exchange has helped to strengthen our relationship, allowing us to discuss past and present events in more depth. The caregivers and the entire Progresso/Tell-Us team are guiding my son through this journey. And for the first time in four years—years in which I felt like I was merely surviving—I can finally find some peace. The same goes for E., Tim’s sister.

Words can hardly express my gratitude to Progresso, Tell-Us, and Jan.

Irene (Mother)

My experience with Progresso has been positive in every respect.

My 14-year-old son has been in the care of Progresso for some time now. After visiting him on-site, I have noticed an improvement in his behavior. It is a slow process, and there have been some setbacks from my son, but had he stayed in Düsseldorf, he might already be in juvenile detention.

The communication with the caregivers is excellent, with weekly updates on his progress and development. During my visits to Progresso in Portugal, I have built a very good relationship with the counsellors. They are always available if any issues arise.

I am grateful that my son is receiving this level of care through Progresso, guiding him onto the right path with intensive support, including both challenges and benefits. I appreciate our ongoing collaboration and look forward to continuing this positive journey.

Harry from Düsseldorf (Father)

On April 15, 2011, our son Rick, who was then 13 years and 11 months old, went to Portugal. (…)

17 months later, October 2012... We, as parents, now see a completely different child in front of us—more self-confident, more social, aware of his disability but understanding that he's not crazy, and still learning and growing with all the help and support. A child who is now slowly starting to talk about feelings and emotions but still needs a lot of guidance and encouragement. A child who is finally finding joy in life again. A child who no longer needs medication. A child who eats—even vegetables. A child who is once again enjoying learning and is trying, with help, to make plans for the future.

Conclusion: We are at a new beginning, to continue working together with our son, with the right level of support, in the Netherlands, and rebuild our family. As parents, we have experienced the collaboration with Tell-Us and Progresso as very positive. There was always an open ear, advice, and help when needed. This is the first time we've truly been involved in the care of our son and not treated as "just the parents of." As parents, we too have received a lot of support, help, and guidance. This has now made it possible for us to make this new beginning. What you have achieved with Rick is invaluable to us. Thank you for everything.

Alex and Linda (Parents)

My daughter has been part of Project Progresso since May 2009.

When I first visited her in August, I could already notice a small change, or rather, a big one for us. We were able to talk to each other without shouting at each other, which was a nice feeling. When I went on a short vacation with her in the summer of 2010, I noticed that she didn't show the same aggression as she did at home and also started to consider my opinions. We had a few lovely days together. She is now dealing more with her aggression and I believe she's already doing quite well with it. She is also doing better in school, with somewhat better grades than at home. She is now thinking about what career options lie ahead, which wasn't even a topic before the project. I think she has also understood that you don't change or achieve anything without putting in your own effort, and that you have to earn every penny before you can spend it.

Marion, Mother

Hello, I am Jordi. I have been away from home for two years, and one and a half of those years under the care of Progresso.

The people at Progresso have brought me to where I am today, and I am happy about that. What I have always found particularly special and still find to this day is the way the care adapts to the development of each individual youth. You're always engaged with what you want to learn at the moment. It is truly personal, individualized help that still leaves room for questions, consultations, and/or your own opinion. And that has been very important to me.

Jordi, Youth

We are the parents of a 19-year-old son who was struggling severely two years ago.

He received pre-scientific education at a private school. Fortunately, he already had his certificate from the general secondary education of the upper school. For a while, he barely went to school and could hardly get out of bed during the day. He was using soft drugs at that time, but also experimenting with other substances. Things quickly went downhill with him. Although we had sought help, it was not sufficient, as the previous counsellor could no longer connect with our son. Through this counsellor, we then came in contact with Jan Mulder from Tell-Us. Our son was initially with a couple in France for 4 months, where he had a very difficult time but learned a lot! After that, he went to Progresso in Portugal and gradually improved. He lived with other young people on a Quinta, a farm, and in a later phase, he lived independently but still under supervision in a village near the Quinta. During the day, he still worked on the farm and learned to become more independent. All of this was still under the care of Jan Mulder/Tell-Us and the counsellors from Progresso. He now lives in a slightly larger city and has a job at the local mine. Our son is doing very well, and he will return to Holland in May/June this year to begin training as a physiotherapist. We are very pleased with Tell-Us and Progresso and how they took care of our son. It was a huge step to let him go back then, but we have never regretted it for a moment! During this time, we also went to Portugal twice for a family project with our daughter. We experienced this as very positive! Without Tell-Us and Progresso, we would have never made it!

Eelke and Maria, Parents

We were asked to write down our experiences with Progresso / Tell-Us, as we have a son with intellectual disabilities who has been in the care of Progresso / Tell-Us for several years now.

Our experiences are very positive. The care is very dedicated to the children, and everyone does their best to bring out the best in them. Every time our son returns from a project with Progresso / Tell-Us, it is clear that he has made progress. We have also participated in several parent/child projects. A lot is done with the children there. There is a good regularity in the daily routine and in the tasks, which provide continuous engagement. When you stay there as a teenager for a longer period, there is peace and regularity – you go to school, work at set times, including breaks. Additionally, each child has their own problems, which are worked on individually with each child so that real progress is made, and misconduct is prevented. The children also learn how to handle their weaknesses. They are taught to be independent. For example, the young people take turns cooking, doing laundry, and performing other tasks. They also do sports. On weekends, there is enough free time, which they can fill as they wish. Their health and overall well-being are also taken into account. A semi-annual visit to the dentist is also not forgotten. There is always 24-hour care every day. We leave our child at Progresso / Tell-Us with peace of mind because we know that he is in very good hands there.

Family Stakenburg

You and your colleagues provided intensive pedagogical care for my ward from 26.08.2008 to 30.06.2010.

I would like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks and respect to you, as the responsible director, and also to your colleagues. Monika was a 16-year-old with a predisposition to addictive behaviour and suffers from a personality disorder.

It is thanks to the exceptional personal commitment of your team, your experience, and your professional expertise that the objectives of youthcare could be successfully achieved with Monika.

Working with your team of highly dedicated professionals has been an impressive and invaluable experience for me. I will be more than happy to recommend your services.

Kind regards,
M. Ditges
Head of Department
Youthcare Düsseldorf

(The name of the young person has been changed.)

(...) The daily routine of the young people is clearly structured and consistently enforced.

The daily routine is shaped by measurable tasks, educational support, sports, recurring everyday duties, and leisure activities. The youth go through a program consisting of several phases. Depending on their level of involvement and behavioral modification, they can earn privileges, freedoms, and increased responsibilities. An important part of the overall concept is the work with parents. In addition to regular coordination via phone and email, parents fly to Portugal approximately once every quarter to spend a week with their children. During this time, joint projects with specific goals are carried out, which are supervised by the counsellors and subsequently evaluated. The educational support is individualized through a school program, which allows preparation for obtaining corresponding diplomas. (...) The care concept and the pedagogical interventions in the youth living grooups appear coherent and goal-oriented. Outstanding, and not yet experienced in Saxony-Anhalt, is the consistent implementation of the structured daily routine with clear rules. The coordinated cooperation between counsellors and non-counsellors (work instructors, craftsmen, riding instructors, etc.) in the care of the young people allows for comprehensive influence. Another advantage arises from the location of the care itself. The isolation of the living groups is a strong deterrent to escape, meaning the young people can hardly avoid confronting their own issues. The multilingual staff and the constant interaction between young people from Germany and the Netherlands rapidly expand language skills and foster an understanding of other cultures and countries. The work of the management and staff is professional and transparent, and the written reports meet high standards.

V. Franke / Youthcae Halle/S.